Adox Rodinal
I used Rodinal in all sorts of B&W development—as part of a cocktail solution, in a standing development, or just using different dilutions on different film brands. All those results were positive. It was such a versatile developer. People would say Rodinal's characteristics are its edge-hardened grain, contrasty, and "raw" feel aesthetic. I agree totally.
I used it on Tmax, TriX, Delta, Neopan Acros and HP5plus... all a fun experience! There were times that I found it too grainy, but I guess one can try and control it as he/she gets more experience with this wonderful developer.
HP5plus, 135, shot in asa 800
Rodinal, 1+200 dilution
5 min pre-soak with water
120 min standing development without agitation
No image editing
Neopan400, shot in asa 400
Rodinal, 1+200 dilution
10 min agitation at the start
90 min standing development without agitation
No image editing
100Tmax, 135, shot in asa 100
Rodinal, 1+100 dilution
5 min pre-soak with water
60 min standing development without agitation
No image editing
Delta100, 135, shot in asa 100
Rodinal, 1+50 dilution
5 min pre-soak with water
7 second agitation every 1 minute
No image editing
100Tmax, 120, shot in asa 50
Rodinal & LC29 1+29 cocktail
5 min. pre-soak
15 sec. agitation at the start; inversion at 4th & 10th min.
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