BeiQi_Xiapu, Fujian
Our Xiapu shoot out trip lasted for 6 days and successfully captured 4 sunrises, 3 sunsets and 12 locations altogether! Amazing, right? It was beyond our expectation and we totally immersed in a joy of accomplishment :) the weather was super hot and humid though.
I was using Nikon F-100 and Fuji Provia slide & found the texture worked out just fine with that particular film TOUCH. All my friends and people around at the scene were using digital. When the F100 motor sounded off its signature pitch sound during film rewinding, that gave me an extra bit of ....pride, ha :) Below are images of BeiQi, one of the main attractions in Xiapu, enjoy :)
And a video here.
Some more images from different parts of Xiapu:
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